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Inspiring Generosity

October 7, 2019

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”   Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not…

August 25, 2019

Photo credit to: dailyparakletos on Instagram Serving With Your Life Group…or even Your Non-Life-Group! During VBS this year, we had our Grade 7-8 kids pack lunches for homeless people that the office staff hand out at the door.  While it has been a bit slower this month, it isn’t unusual to…

July 22, 2019

~ By Kelly Carter . . Serving Jesus through discouraging times is not always easy, but it is something every Christian committed to doing the work of Jesus will face. Numerous times in the New Testament Christians are called to suffer for Christ and like Christ. Paul certainly did. 2…

June 26, 2019

It was really wonderful on Sunday to see so many people sign up to help with the ministries in our church.  The Lord has opened doors for us in our community, and, of course, through serving there are many ways in which we can bless our brothers and sisters who…

May 28, 2019

Last year, in September, we had a Ministry Sign Up on our back wall, particularly for special events throughout the year.   This has been a great help to the staff as they plan activities and recruit volunteers. One person signed up to host the Church Picnic this year, on June…

December 19, 2018

Church, we have almost concluded a Christmas Season!   On December 8 we handed out 50 gifts and entertained 170+ people.   From this, we may start up a street hockey drop-in or something similar.   Please pray that whatever happens, we continue to reach out to our community. Throughout the following…

December 3, 2017

Earlier this year, the staff read through the book, “When Helping Hurts”. Jonathan suggested this book as an answer to the question, “What do we do next with our friends from Feeding the Hungry lunches?” The book is a really good one, sometimes discouraging to read as we evaluate our…

October 2, 2017

Church, yesterday was a great day as we heard about 4 different short term mission trips that happened this summer.   These teams represented 28 members of our church or just over 10% of our attendance from Sunday!    It was a very encouraging day! We know that many of you were…

July 18, 2017

So much happened during our two weeks in Estonia that it is difficult to summarize it in one blog post, but for now here are a few highlights: 20 kids showing up for kids City Camp every day during our first week. We were warned before things started that there…

July 4, 2017

Today’s blog is by Rachel Lewis, one of the high school students who is a part of this year’s Estonia team. Four days ago, our mission team left for Tallinn, Estonia to run a city camp and an English learning program. Our mission was to reach out to the children…

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