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Interpreting the Bible: A Concise Plan

January 26, 2023

Presuppositions-Assumes that God communicates (speaks and acts) through Scripture; here we findWord of God-Inspiration-Uniqueness of Christ and Spirit in revealing God, including their presence in Scripture-Analogical Language-human language, because it is human–and limited–cannotperfectly depict God, because He is beyond us-Clarity and unity of Scripture-Scripture must be interpreted; exēgeisthai to interpret…

Inspiring Generosity

October 7, 2019

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”   Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not…

August 25, 2019

Photo credit to: dailyparakletos on Instagram Serving With Your Life Group…or even Your Non-Life-Group! During VBS this year, we had our Grade 7-8 kids pack lunches for homeless people that the office staff hand out at the door.  While it has been a bit slower this month, it isn’t unusual to…

December 19, 2018

Church, we have almost concluded a Christmas Season!   On December 8 we handed out 50 gifts and entertained 170+ people.   From this, we may start up a street hockey drop-in or something similar.   Please pray that whatever happens, we continue to reach out to our community. Throughout the following…

February 17, 2018

I had the good fortune of being raised in a Christian home and family. There are tremendous advantages that can be gained by living in the environment of a good Christian home. However; not all good Christian practices and customs are engrained in a person by mere observation. My parents…

June 22, 2017

“So, where have you seen God at work lately?” Sometimes when I hear this question, I have to really slow down and reflect. And then sometimes, not so much–God’s activity is so evident, I’d have to try hard to miss it. This week, Kelly and I have had a few…

March 22, 2017

This past Saturday, we had a chance to sit on the other side of the table. Every Wednesday, the church hosts a hot meal for some of the folks in the community. Some are between homes. Some are battling with substance abuse. Some are more on the upswing than not. All of…

January 18, 2017

This is likely the best kind. The kind where we are simply, without thinking or hesitation, getting a chance to show God’s love to someone. Last Wednesday, Leonard was late to lunch. We always look for him and wait for him, he seldom disappoints. We have gotten to know Leonard over…

July 28, 2016

August 1973 looms large for me. On August 12th of that year I became a Christian, hearing the gospel and responding in baptism all within a two-week period.  On the exact same day, only minutes prior to my baptism, I, at 14 years, was even then thinking about the opposite…


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