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In His Service

It was really wonderful on Sunday to see so many people sign up to help with the ministries in our church.  The Lord has opened doors for us in our community, and, of course, through serving there are many ways in which we can bless our brothers and sisters who are already in our faith community.  Although many of the ministries you signed up for yesterday will not be up and running until fall, some are active now (like picking up the trash around the building), and, if your ministry won’t be active until later you have time to prepare and plan for the ways you can be used by the Lord as your ministry does begin.

What we do in service for each other and for our community is crucial for the Lord’s work, not only because of all the ways people are helped, but also because serving should be a central feature of our church’s identity.  We want to think of ourselves as a church that is serious about serving the Lord and not just ourselves.  We want to be known as a loving, caring, helpful, and service oriented group of Christians.  We want those who hurt to know they can depend on us.  We want to be able to depend on each other when needs arise.  We want newcomers to Canada to know that we are willing to help.  Through this kind of service our church, the gospel, and the Lord can impact the lives of those in need, hopefully opening their hearts to His love, to the truth about Jesus, and to the Lord’s will for them.


Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  He was from the start of His ministry sacrificing, serving, blessing, and showing to others the goodness of His Father.  Was it always easy?  No.  Did He have to consistently set aside His own will to do that of His Father?  Yes.  But to this kind of service He was called, and He calls us to the privilege of following after Him in this kind of service.  I pray you always do.



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