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February 17, 2018

I had the good fortune of being raised in a Christian home and family. There are tremendous advantages that can be gained by living in the environment of a good Christian home. However; not all good Christian practices and customs are engrained in a person by mere observation. My parents…

May 19, 2016

This past weekend (Friday – Monday), 27 people from our church, including 16 Jr. High and High School students, went to Regina to spend some time serving. We spent two days driving and two days working. We cleaned up an alley, we tore down an old garage, we pulled weeds…

April 19, 2016

For the past several weeks our teens have been working through a series of lessons on the issue of poverty. Each week we have been given a challenge which is designed to help us “identify with poverty.” One week we had to spend a day without using any screen-based technology…


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